Monday 4 June 2007

The Home of Football

So another week passes, just another Friday night - maybe just a couple of beers at the pub then a kebab. That was one option, the other was to head to the new Wembley and check out a couple of teams, i think they were called En-ger-land and Brazil or something.

Anyhow, its takes all of 5 seconds to appreciate the stadia when you get off the tube. Wembley is truely EXCEPTIONAL. In summary 90,000 people and not a single queue to get in, for beer or to access the 2500+ toliets.... (The no queue didn't extend to getting home where we had to line up for 90 mins to catch the tube.... a chance to sober up, but seriously the line was 1500 meters long.)

The game itself was fairly avg, Brazil looked tired and Kaka and Rabbit Teeth didn't seem to want to play. Beckham was by far the best player on the pitch, his vision is something else, Gerrard was magic as usual.

A burger costs you 4.50 or you combo for 7.50!!!!!!! - stay away... thats what we said until we got hungry and ended up getting piece of pizza bread for 4.50 apop....Beer on the other hand is not 2 bad for a stadium only 3 pound. You have to drink before kick off tho, as they stop selling and you are not allowed to take beer to your seat (obvious reasons).

90,000 people can make alot of noise and when Franky nudged the ball in the back of the old onion bag the crowd went nuts, just outdoing the national anthem and beckham chant.

Typically England lost it in the last 5 seconds.. a suitable finish to a historical occasion.

1 comment:

gus said...

AMAZING! Can't believe you got to see England play Brazil, and in the new stadium! Soooooo not fair!