Sunday, 23 September 2007

Hey Mumbai

Late August i packed my bag and left for the airport to jet for Mumbai for week. Consequence of doing some work for a customer with outsource operations in India. 9 hours after leaving Heathrow i flew over the slums 20 meters from the airport fence.

Once you have seen one third world city... you know what to expect and it was no different, although things are a bit more extreme with kids running in front of cars ,
The digs were brilliant although overlooking the slums from hotel window puts things into perspective. Most of the week was work but we managed to get out into the city for half and day and even went out for a local meal... and it is true curry is better in India!!!!!

as usual can't be arsed writing a novel so here are the highlights:

1) Didn't get sick once which is lucky as i winged it and didn't get any injections
2) the food - one curry had 126 different spices .... and i can not speak highly enough of Tandoori chicken .....
3) Cows... being holey and all they do what they want and they do.... including walking / sleeping all over the highway
4) Indian Gucci - everything is ripped off including my Gucci bag that lasted less than a week
5) cheap as chips - £10 is like 900 rupees
6) Coming back they closed the runway 45 Min's early while we while sitting in the plane - the pilot had to fight hard ball to get them to get off the runway so we could take off.. annoying and amusing all the same
7) India people are top shelf... real friendly and they could teach UK folk a few lessons... call centre customer service is another issue tho..........
8) folk live whereever than can..... including on highways in busstops, on the beach. Rent in Mumbai is more expensive than downtown New York.....

Photos can be found at

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