Tuesday 29 May 2007

Everyday life ...

so, its been a while since the last post, nothing unusal there... Not really much to report since we got back from Paris.

Katherine threw in her old job with MorningStar and got a new one with ea, yep that ea as in easports and eagames. Perhaps the most important aspect of her contract is that she is entitled to 12 free games a year........ 'its in the game'

We have both been busy with work. Katherine went to St Tropez for 3 days 2 weeks ago for a 'work conference' aka lets get drunk silly (a week into the new job) (refer to photo) and then i travelled all the way outside London to the mighty Chesnut for a 3 day course where i proceeded to sufer my way through the 3 days after drinking too much on the each of the nights.
I also proceeded to learn a valuable lesson last week. Drinking 5 Hoegarden 'white' pints in the space of 3 hours leads to big big trouble. I am still yet to learn that a pint is not a 330 ml bottle or 300 ml glass like in Nz. use your imagination and times it by 10. It was a six star hangover on a school day.. not good. We also sucessfully had our first house guest .... kudos to Mel for coping with our cosy space.

So if you hadn't guessed we are working hard and drinking more and more as the need arises, this leads in nicely to the next post which is about our weekend in Bruges and Brussells.

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